Monday, July 20, 2009

Great news!

Ben had his chemo today and doctors appointment. They gave us the results of the PET scan which showed no more spots of cancer in any of his organs! His lymph nodes are still swollen a bit but almost normal! He will still have to do chemo through December to insure they got it all and it won't come right back but as of right now things are looking great!

My appointment today went good as well. The u/s tech was able to get some good shots to show Ben that the 3 boys were in fact boys! They are getting crowded in there so he wasn't able to make out what we were looking at all the time. No change in the cervix this week we are still looking at 3.6 cm so they were very pleased by that. My blood pressure was good at the end of my OB appointment and I was only showing a weight gain of 2 lbs in 2 weeks bringing the grand total to 27lbs so far. My belly is now measuring past a 40 week single gestation.

Pretty calm week this week so hopefully we will get the rest of the babies stuff sorted and stored. Who knew babies needed so much stuff???


  1. Kari - that is amazing and wonderful news! You still have lots of people praying for you! Keep up the good work! I hope you have a good week and that Ben continues his progress. YAY!!!!!

  2. Oh Kari, that is such great news about Ben. I hope things continue to go well with the chemo and Ben starts getting back to his old self.

    Yay babies, grow and grow and let mommy hold you in there nice and tight for a while longer here.

    I'm glad your cervix is cooperating. My cervix never measured that long at any point in my pregnancy.

  3. Aww Kari, I am so glad that you got such good news!!

    I loved your pictures, you look fantastic!!!

    Hang in there sweetie, you are doing a wonderful job!!!

  4. That is amazing news Kari! I am so happy to hear. All is going well as God planned, both with Ben and with the lil babies!

  5. Amazing news about Ben- brought tears to my eyes:) Loved your shower pics and I'm so glad to hear that the cervix is still holding tight to bake those little babies for a little while longer.

  6. Hi, I just started reading your blog. Wow, what a story...You definately are an inspiration to me. I'll be following your blog, as well as praying for you, Ben, and your whole family...I'm wanting this story to end with "and they all lived happily ever after"


We've been FLOCKED!

Nine years ago this summer there was so much uncertainty, would Ben make it through his treatments?  Would I be able to carry all four babi...