The kids have decided that the cool bedtime game is to play let's stall bedtime...sometimes it is a kiss, a drink, a hug, a snuggle, a million trips to the potty. It drives me crazy that our bedtime routine sometimes is stretching out an hour past bedtime and sometimes more and nap hasn't been much better. A friend of mine suggested making a chart and giving them the chance to earn a special prize.
The first week I made the chart I sat them down and explained the way it worked and if they got 10 smiles out of 14, one for nap and one for bedtime each day, then they would be able to go out for ice cream with me. The first nap Cameron got an X within minutes of being laid down and he thought it was funny. Brady was telling him how X was naughty! Then a few minutes later Matthew called me up and he usually never gives a hard time laying down so I went up and he said "Mommy, I want an X too!" Brady, Aubrey and I all tried explaining that X was bad but he was insistant so he got one too.
They made it with a couple days to spare getting all their smiles so off to the ice cream place we went and they were so proud!
The boys!
The little princess who thought she needed her own table!
They were also very excited that they were able to get ice cream in their colors! Yellow for Matthew, Blue for Brady, Pink for Aubrey and Green for Cameron!