My kids all LOVE the water so it is a no brainer that we would sign them up for swimming lessons this past summer. Each lesson I planned on bringing my camera and each time I forgot it! Thankfully my mom got some pictures a their last lesson so that we can document how far they have come since last year. I truly feel that if we had lifeguards that worked with the toddlers to teach them the basics there would be so many more swimmers at an early age but when the lifeguards don't even bother getting into the pool much yet going near the kids in the "class" the opportunity is missed. :( We intend to keep working with our kiddos throughout the year so hopefully they will be confident swimmers before we know it!
Typical in the pool with a few parents/caregivers while the paid lifeguards sit on the side fully payer's money well spent!
Cameron finally got the courage to go under!
So proud of himself...rightfully so!
Matthew attempting to swim underwater...he and actually do a few strokes!
Aubrey has little confidence but really does well when she tries!
Brady needs 2 noodles to keep him afloat but he loves it!
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