Monday, June 22, 2009

All in all a great day!

Ben's appointment went great! His MRI's showed nothing on his brain or spine. They are doing a spinal tap next Tuesday to make sure that there is no cancer inside his spine. They are pretty sure there isn't but they want to be sure so they can treat it if need be.

His blood work is showing that the chemo is working! His counts are beginning to return to normal which is giving them great hope that he will be in the 60% that are cured. After his chemo today he has been feeling pretty sick but hopefully that will subside and the medication will kick in and help him feel better tomorrow.

Ben's physical therapy is going ok, he still doesn't have feeling in his feet but the braces are helping him walk better and the excersises are helping him get strength back in his lower body.

Also today we found out the measurement was incorrect on my cervical length last week. The tech and the doctor measured it today and it is still a little over 4 cm. That was a huge relief to me! All the babies were doing great, their heartrates were between 152-164 and they were moving around like crazy. One of the boys is breach but that doesn't really matter much because I will be having a C-section anyways.


  1. What good news - both for you and Ben!! I hope you have many more good days coming up! - Tkeys

  2. That is wonderful news about Ben. I am so happy things are turning around for the better! God works miracles! Glad everything else is going well with the lil ones too.

  3. Mandi Cote's mother sent me this blog to read and I must say your upbeat attitude and 'smile' I see when I read is inspiring! The babies are precious!


  4. I am so happy to hear the great news about Ben- I will continue to pray for you and your family:)

  5. Hooray for good numbers for Ben! My friends and bible study have been praying for you both. Hooray again for a better number on the cervix. Yes, let's keep that nice, high and CLOSED, thank you.

    Take care my friend!


We've been FLOCKED!

Nine years ago this summer there was so much uncertainty, would Ben make it through his treatments?  Would I be able to carry all four babi...