They were so excited to come down and see what Santa had left for them! The look on Cameron's face as he peered over the railing was priceless!
They ran out into the kitchen to see if Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk and they were so happy that he did and that he left them a note.
They all piled up on the couch for a quick picture then we started with stockings, much to my dismay because I always did presents first thenst stockings however Ben informed me that that was not the correct order in which to do things! They all were just longingly looking at the gifts under the tree.
Finally PRESENT time had come! Santa had left them gifts in which they all had to share and so far they have done pretty good sharing them. They had a few presents each from Ben and I and each a gift from their great grandparents to open. They were ready to play with everything so while Ben was in the shower I spent my time opening up all the things that were already assembled and let them start playing with those. Then we put together all the things that needed putting together throughout the day.
Aubrey told anyone who would listen to her that Baby Abby need Christmas presents too. She even went as far as telling Uncle Kyle that Aubrey's wrappers needed to be pink and Abby's needed to be purple. I think the best part of her Christmas was finding a gift for Baby Abby from Santa. She laid Abby right down beside her while she opened the gift and leaned over and said in her best cutsy voice "Look Abby! You got new shooooes!" God I love her!
They wasted no time getting started with their new stuff!
Everyone got dressed and ready for the day before our first set of company arrived. Bumpa, Uncle Brandon, Laura, Zachary and Kyra came to celebrate with us. We had a little breakfast then opened some more gifts. The kids might not have been super excited about getting cards but Ben and I sure were. They each got $50 to spend on our Disney vacation in the fall. It will be great for them to each have their own money to spend in the gift shops!
All dressed for the day!
Aubrey was so happy to get to hold her littlest cousin, Kyra!
We packed up and headed to Grammie Donuts and Papa Digger's house for Christmas lunch. We had already had Christmas with all the cousins last week but they still managed to get a few more gifts there too. Now they are all completely outfitted for the upcoming summer. They loved the wrapping paper fight at that signaled the end of gifts!
Brady hanging out with Uncle Kyle
Finally we got home and I finished cooking up a turkey dinner for Uncle Kyle, Evan and Ella to come have Christmas with us. They had a ball playing with all their new stuff and I was exhausted by the end of the day! When 7 pm finally came we were happy to put them to bed and relax!
All ready for bed sporting their new matching jammies...Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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