Matthew Lucas
Our Baby A, the gatekeeper. Matthew laid across the bottom of my belly and made sure no one was going to beat him out of the womb. Born weighing 4 lbs 3 oz and 16.5" long he was the second largest but he makes up for it with his scrappiness. Matthew spent 26 days in the NICU growing and feeding. He still likes to be the one in charge often yelling his siblings names. Matthew loves to talk, play, wrestle and give out lots of hugs and kisses.
Brady Benjamin
Our Baby B, the monster. Brady was born weighing 4 lbs 10 oz and 17.5" long the biggest of the bunch and he has remained that way throughout the past year and a half. Brady was also released after 26 days in the NICU. Brady likes to think he is older than the other quads and shows off doing things he can do because of his height. He plays with older kids at any opportunity. Brady loves to color, play, climb and loves to hug and kiss.
Aubrey Elizabeth
Our Baby C, the diva. Aubrey thinks she is the gal in charge and she definitely was when it came to delivery day. Her cord flow went absent and that made the decision to deliver. She was the smallest of the foursome weighing in at just 3 lbs 1 oz and 15.25" and she is still the peanut of the group. She only spent 29 days in the NICU and needed a smaller carseat to be released because she was so tiny. Aubrey is definitely a little princess, she is never very nice to her brothers even though they try to make her happy all the time. She is a shoe lover, a definite girlie girl and loves babies.
Cameron Jacob
Our Baby D, the little monkey. Cameron was the last born and was the most active of the bunch in the womb. He was born weighing 3 lbs 11 oz and 16.5" but he quickly passed Matthew in weight. Cameron was the last to be released from the NICU at 35 days after needing surgery to remove a hernia. He was released with a carbed because he was having a hard time passing the car seat test. Cameron has quite the personality, his laughs and smiles are contagious. He loves to play, read books, and take care of his brothers and sister.