Aubrey showed the boys up by braving out all the rides when the boys all cried and had to get the ride stopped so they could get off. Aubrey was very proud of herself for being such a big girl and so were we! Finally when we were out of tickets and it was time to leave the boys decided that they liked rides and wanted to ride them. Hopefully when the fair comes to town they will decide to be brave boys or their sister will be having all the fun!
Playing at the reception
Cameron and Brady
Matthew telling Daddy something funny
The beautiful bride!
Brady playing hairdresser
Attempt #1 at rides
Little Miss very proud that she is the bravest one today!
Merry Go Round
Finally the foursome rides a whole ride!
I think they enjoyed the free rides more than the ones we paid for!
Going down the big slide!
Great pictures!! Makes me miss when mine were that age.