4 pack and plays
1 case of diapers
2 packages of wipes
1 diaper bag
1 duffle bag
1 suit case
1 back pack of snacks
1 cooler
4 pillows
4 blankies
1 tote of toys
1 camera
1 quad stroller
4 snuggies
4 stuffed doggies, a llama, and a fox
All of this was able to fit in the rear of my new van without having to stack stuff in every square inch of the floor like in the old one! It is so much work just getting it all together then getting it all taken care of when we get home that everytime we get back I swear it will be a long time before we do it again but I seem to have a short memory because we always do it again!
The babies had a ton of fun visiting with family and playing at parks along the way but they hated being stuck in the car all those hours. They had a blast at Chuck E Cheese until the mouse came out and scared Cameron.
The dentist was not a great experience, All four cried nearly the whole time we were in there and were not at all happy to show off their pearly whites. So far everyone is getting a perfect report.
Some random pictures from the weekend!
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