I was a little nervous Friday when we started Operation Paci-be-gone but it was no where near as bad as I thought it was going to be! Friday was rough getting them to go down but I soon discovered that me trying to go in and calm them down was actually dragging it out so I let them cry it out. Cameron was very upset and ended up throwing up a little and I began second guessing it but I changed him and his bedding then rocked him to sleep and they slept AWESOME!
Saturday the crying lasted less than 5 minutes per nap/bedtime, no one threw up and they slept through the night without needing me to go in there 10x to replace the fallen paci. By Sunday crying was down to 2 minutes or less and they were sleeping later in the mornings. It is nice to have this task behind us but sad because it is one more reminder that they are growing up too fast!
Last pictures with the pacis!

Why did we wait so long? Bye, bye paci bucket!
Great Job Momma and Crew!!