Matthew- 34.25" tall and 27lbs
Favorite foods- Apples, Bananas, Kiwi, Grapes, Corn, Carrots, Cuccumbers, Macaroni and Cheese, Hot Dogs, Pizza, Stuffing, any type of Noodles, Rice, Ribs, Hamburgers, Chop Suey, Shephard's Pie, Chicken, Potatoes, Sausage, Bread and Muffins.
Favorite activities- Any crafts, painting, playing outside, riding his zebra around the house both as a ride on and a scooter, playing cars on his ramp, fixing things.
Favorite Books- The Blue Jean Farmer, The Hungry Catapiller, Doggies, Mooseltoe
Best buddies- Kole, Chase, Tanner, Makalyn, Matt St. Cyr, Noah, Brady, Cameron and Aubrey.
Favorite movie- Cars
Favorite TV Show- Oso and Ax Men
Brady- 37" tall and 33lbs
Favorite foods- Apples, Bananas, Kiwi, Grapes, Corn, Carrots, Cuccumbers, Peas, Macaroni and Cheese, Hot Dogs, any type of Noodles, Pork Chops, Hamburgers, Chop Suey, Shephard's Pie, Chicken, Potatoes, Sausage, Waffles, Popcorn, Kielbasa, Applesauce and Cereal
Favorite activities- Any crafts, painting, playing outside, puzzles, building train tracks and dancing to music
Favorite Books- The Hungry Catapiller, Silly Monkeys, Frosty the Snowman
Best buddies- Makalyn, Mylee, Sawyer, Matthew, Cameron and Aubrey.
Favorite movie- Toy Story
Favorite TV Show- Oso and Mickey Mouse
Aubrey- 34" tall and 24.5 lbs
Favorite foods- Apples, Strawberries, Blueberries, Corn, Green beans, Steak, Hot Dogs, Pizza, Pork Chops, Fish sticks, any type of Noodles, Ribs, Hamburgers, Chop Suey, Shephard's Pie, Chicken, Potatoes, Sausage, Eggs, Nutragrain bars.
Favorite activities- Coloring, play-doh, playing outside, playing with her little people, playing with her doll house and painting.
Favorite Books- Best Friends, Babies, The Hungry Catapiller
Best buddies- Makalyn, Mylee, Taylor, Brady, Cameron and Matthew.
Favorite movie- Tinkerbell
Favorite TV Show- Oso and Mickey Mouse
Cameron- 34.5" tall and 29lbs
Favorite foods- Apples, Bananas, Kiwi, Grapes, Strawberries, Melon, Blueberries, Corn, Carrots, Cuccumbers, Green Beans, Macaroni and Cheese, Hot Dogs, Pizza, any type of Noodles, Ribs, Hamburgers, Chop Suey, Shephard's Pie, Chicken, Potatoes, Sausage, eggs, Waffles, Steak, Pork Chops, Cereal, and Poptarts.
Favorite activities- Play-Doh, playing outside, playing cars on his ramp, fixing things, building train tracks, and playing with his hexbugs.
Best buddies- Mylee, Makalyn, Tanner, Kole, Konner, Noah, Brady, Matthew and Aubrey.
Favorite books- The Hungry Catapiller, Biscuits Easter, Silly Monkeys, Mooseltoe
Favorite movie- Cars
Favorite TV Show- Oso and Ax Men
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Memo to self...
Sunday, February 26, 2012
First time fingerpainting!
The kiddos got fingerpaint for Christmas and I have been waiting for a day they are bored to do it. Today was that day! They woke up and started asking when we were going to the pool...well it was 7 hrs before we were headed there so I had to come up with something to keep their minds off of the pool!
OHHHH!!! What's this??? hands are dirty!

I really hate this!

Hmmmm...not so bad after all!

Loving it!

Look how dirty I am!

Well, that killed about 30 minutes...onto another craft!

Aubrey made a Minnie bow!

Any guess what Cameron's favorite color is?

Brady thinks we should add a blue bunny to our tribe!

Matthew was proud of his masterpiece!

After some playtime, lunch and a much needed nap for all 5 of us we headed to the pool with our friends Marlene, Reid and Khaley then brought Khaley home for a sleepover. So much fun!

OHHHH!!! What's this??? hands are dirty!
I really hate this!
Hmmmm...not so bad after all!
Loving it!
Look how dirty I am!
Well, that killed about 30 minutes...onto another craft!
Aubrey made a Minnie bow!
Any guess what Cameron's favorite color is?
Brady thinks we should add a blue bunny to our tribe!
Matthew was proud of his masterpiece!
After some playtime, lunch and a much needed nap for all 5 of us we headed to the pool with our friends Marlene, Reid and Khaley then brought Khaley home for a sleepover. So much fun!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Nothing like jinxing myself...
I was so happy that mid February had come and not a single trip to the pediatricians office for any of the foursome since the well child check in September that I decided to open my mouth and tell my sister in law about it. The very next night I was up all night with a very crabby, crying little Aubrey. She kept telling me her ear hurt so first thing in the morning I got her in to get checked and sure enough an ear infection for her. Note to self...never open your mouth because you are sure to jinx yourself.
That was just the tip of the iceberg on the craziness in the Hickey home the past week. Over the weekend we had some sick little munchkins. Matthew was happy to announce to anyone who would listen to him that "me got the poops but Aubrey is pooooking!" Throw Brady and Cameron having yucky bellies into the mix and let me tell you it is fun times!
The weather has been unseasonably warm and we have been taking advantage of that by going for walks, playing outside, and sitting in the shed on our "cycles"! The first night we went for a walk I thought it would be fun to let them walk from Uncle Tom's to the bank. We cut through the play ground so I figured maybe a 1/4 mile round trip wouldn't take long. Did I ever underestimate just how slowly four curious quaddlers walk! Let's just say once we got to the play ground Ben played with them for a few minutes so I could run to the bank and back then walk back to Uncle Tom's to meet the new puppy because we probably still would be out on that walk if we made them go the distance.
The next night when I mentioned a walk they all asked for the wagon and I was more than happy to tell them YES! I don't know who thought a choo choo wagon would be an awesome mode of transportation (it was me) but you put 110+ lbs in there and pulling it is quite the workout! The runabout is definitely easier for me but the kids enjoy the wagon. I think this summer will be the last that they will be able to get use out of the ruabout, they are getting so big for it. I remember the day we picked it up from the Felthun quads and I thought they would fit in it forever, time sure does fly!
That was just the tip of the iceberg on the craziness in the Hickey home the past week. Over the weekend we had some sick little munchkins. Matthew was happy to announce to anyone who would listen to him that "me got the poops but Aubrey is pooooking!" Throw Brady and Cameron having yucky bellies into the mix and let me tell you it is fun times!
The weather has been unseasonably warm and we have been taking advantage of that by going for walks, playing outside, and sitting in the shed on our "cycles"! The first night we went for a walk I thought it would be fun to let them walk from Uncle Tom's to the bank. We cut through the play ground so I figured maybe a 1/4 mile round trip wouldn't take long. Did I ever underestimate just how slowly four curious quaddlers walk! Let's just say once we got to the play ground Ben played with them for a few minutes so I could run to the bank and back then walk back to Uncle Tom's to meet the new puppy because we probably still would be out on that walk if we made them go the distance.
The next night when I mentioned a walk they all asked for the wagon and I was more than happy to tell them YES! I don't know who thought a choo choo wagon would be an awesome mode of transportation (it was me) but you put 110+ lbs in there and pulling it is quite the workout! The runabout is definitely easier for me but the kids enjoy the wagon. I think this summer will be the last that they will be able to get use out of the ruabout, they are getting so big for it. I remember the day we picked it up from the Felthun quads and I thought they would fit in it forever, time sure does fly!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Aubrey is a big girl now!
Aubrey has been begging to wear big girl undies for bed for awhile now so I told her if she could go 3 consecutive days without peeing in her bedtime diaper she could go to bed in undies and she did it! She was so proud to not have to put a diaper on a bedtime last night and she did great. Two down...two to go!
Brady is so upset that he isn't ready to wear underwear to bed yet. He wakes up totally soaked every single morning and at least once a week soaked right through his jammies. He doesn't wake up at night like Matthew and Aubrey do so I just don't think he is ready. Cameron could care less as soon as a diaper hits his butt he thinks it is an invitation to pee in it!
Brady is so upset that he isn't ready to wear underwear to bed yet. He wakes up totally soaked every single morning and at least once a week soaked right through his jammies. He doesn't wake up at night like Matthew and Aubrey do so I just don't think he is ready. Cameron could care less as soon as a diaper hits his butt he thinks it is an invitation to pee in it!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Oh the things they say...
They are coming up with the craziest things lately and make me laugh out loud many times a day. Some of my favorites from the weekend were:
It was nap time and Cameron couldn't find his fox so he was yelling "Where my fox???" Now, Cameron is doing great in speech but he still needs work on some words especially ones that sound like other words. Brady kept yelling back "No say that word!" so Aubrey being the peacemaker says "Cameron sayed FOX, not fuck like Grammie sayed!" Good thing I was listening over the monitor not in their room because I am pretty sure it would have been encouragement for bad words if they saw me laugh as hard as I was!
As Matthew was waking up from his nap he was crying, very clearly upset about something so I went to get him and asked him what was the matter and he said "My pee pee won't lay down!" I told him that is what he gets for playing with it all the time.
Aubrey was sitting waiting patiently for dinner when she let out a HUGE burp. I looked at her and said "Aubrey! What was that?" She said "My tounge farted!" I am pretty sure Ben had tears in his eyes laughing at that one.
Cameron is totally Elmo obsessed! Everytime something is missing he tells me "Elmo took it!" I was looking everywhere for his juice cup and of course he told me "Elmo took it" and for once I should have listened because it was right under Elmo...sneaking little animal!
I am always telling Cameron to focus because he gets sidetracked soooooo easily! The kids were all coloring on the livingroom floor the other night and I obviously didn't pay close enough attention to him because he said "Hey mom! FOCUS!!!"
Brady is my little mockingbird! He hears something and he is going to repeat it...especially if you don't want him to! He likes to be the boss of the others so if I correct them he is sure to correct them as well.
Every night before bed Brady has a little routine that he talks you through. You tuck him in and he says "HUG!" so you have to put both arms around him and hug. Then "KISS!" on the lips is the only thing that satisfies this demand. Finally "SNUGGLE!" which it took me awhile to realize the difference between a hug and a snuggle but he means just lay your head on his shoulder and he will lay his on yours. So sweet!
It was nap time and Cameron couldn't find his fox so he was yelling "Where my fox???" Now, Cameron is doing great in speech but he still needs work on some words especially ones that sound like other words. Brady kept yelling back "No say that word!" so Aubrey being the peacemaker says "Cameron sayed FOX, not fuck like Grammie sayed!" Good thing I was listening over the monitor not in their room because I am pretty sure it would have been encouragement for bad words if they saw me laugh as hard as I was!
As Matthew was waking up from his nap he was crying, very clearly upset about something so I went to get him and asked him what was the matter and he said "My pee pee won't lay down!" I told him that is what he gets for playing with it all the time.
Aubrey was sitting waiting patiently for dinner when she let out a HUGE burp. I looked at her and said "Aubrey! What was that?" She said "My tounge farted!" I am pretty sure Ben had tears in his eyes laughing at that one.
Cameron is totally Elmo obsessed! Everytime something is missing he tells me "Elmo took it!" I was looking everywhere for his juice cup and of course he told me "Elmo took it" and for once I should have listened because it was right under Elmo...sneaking little animal!
I am always telling Cameron to focus because he gets sidetracked soooooo easily! The kids were all coloring on the livingroom floor the other night and I obviously didn't pay close enough attention to him because he said "Hey mom! FOCUS!!!"
Brady is my little mockingbird! He hears something and he is going to repeat it...especially if you don't want him to! He likes to be the boss of the others so if I correct them he is sure to correct them as well.
Every night before bed Brady has a little routine that he talks you through. You tuck him in and he says "HUG!" so you have to put both arms around him and hug. Then "KISS!" on the lips is the only thing that satisfies this demand. Finally "SNUGGLE!" which it took me awhile to realize the difference between a hug and a snuggle but he means just lay your head on his shoulder and he will lay his on yours. So sweet!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Daddy's work truck
Ben has been driving a green dump truck since he started working and the kids were not happy at all when they found out that the truck was getting painted blue but they were very happy to find out that they were going to have not only "their letter" but their WHOLE NAME on the the truck. They love it!

Friday, February 17, 2012
29 months
How is it possible that they are just one month away from being 2 and a half? Every day they are coming up with new things that make us laugh. The way they talk, play and interact with each other is so amazing. Not to say that every single moment of each day is full of happiness...there is a lot of fighting, tears and frustration as they learn how to work with each other and how to communicate with everyone. Raising quadruplets is far from an easy task and I am really amazed that it has gotten more difficult rather than getting easier but at the end of the day I wouldn't trade our life for any other life in the world!
"There's four to wash,
there's four to dry.
There's four who argue,
there's four who cry.
Two are in the mud having a ball,
The other two are holding crayons
and marking the wall.
My patience grows thin,
the days seem endless
and I wonder, "Why was I chosen
to be the mother of Quadruplets?"
The answer comes clear
at the end of each day.
As I tuck them in bed
and to myself I say,
There's four to kiss,
there's four to hug,
and best of all
there's four
to love."
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The kids always want to play with their cousin Zachary, or Zacky as Matthew calls him, and after his visit a couple weeks ago when he wanted to stay over night we made plans for him to come have a sleepover. The kids have been excited and I used the "Zachary is coming for a sleepover Wednesday if you guys can be good" many times this week and it I need to come up with a new bribe!
They played all day with the day care kids then after supper Ben made popcorn and put on Toy Story 2 for them. I love how they all attempt to say Buzz Lightyear!
Aubrey: Bye Biteyear
Matthew: Buzz Year
Brady: Buzz Biteyear
Cameron: Buzz-Eye-tear (all one word!)
When it was time for jammies Cameron was not very happy to see that Zachary had Elmo jammies and he had monkey ones so I had to go upstairs and trade his jammies in for Elmo one which resulted in me trading Brady's in for Buzz and Matthew's in for McQueen. Teeth were brushed, five bedtime stories were read, hugs, kisses and pictures were taken then it was tucked in and off to sleep.
I can't believe 5 kids in one room and they all went to sleep so well!
Popcorn and movies!

Five little monkeys sitting on the bed!

Chatting it up!

Lots of love!
They played all day with the day care kids then after supper Ben made popcorn and put on Toy Story 2 for them. I love how they all attempt to say Buzz Lightyear!
Aubrey: Bye Biteyear
Matthew: Buzz Year
Brady: Buzz Biteyear
Cameron: Buzz-Eye-tear (all one word!)
When it was time for jammies Cameron was not very happy to see that Zachary had Elmo jammies and he had monkey ones so I had to go upstairs and trade his jammies in for Elmo one which resulted in me trading Brady's in for Buzz and Matthew's in for McQueen. Teeth were brushed, five bedtime stories were read, hugs, kisses and pictures were taken then it was tucked in and off to sleep.
I can't believe 5 kids in one room and they all went to sleep so well!
Popcorn and movies!
Five little monkeys sitting on the bed!
Chatting it up!
Lots of love!
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We've been FLOCKED!
Nine years ago this summer there was so much uncertainty, would Ben make it through his treatments? Would I be able to carry all four babi...

Sadly this is probably the last year that I will get total control of what the kids are for Halloween so I wanted to make it a good one... ...
For the kids birthday birthday they got an ice cream maker from Nick and Elise and we have been waiting for a night that they could come ove...
As many of you know I have been contemplating making this blog private. I intended this blog as something for the babies to be able to read ...