I laughed listening over the monitor to them shouting "TRICK OR TREAT!!!" Finally I went up there and told them that they needed to stop and go to sleep because it was getting late and if they didn't sleep then they weren't going to get any candy. I got back down stairs and I heard over the monitor Cameron yelling "trick or treat!" and Brady responding "You want candy? Go night night!" that went on for some time and after an hour and a half of being in bed there was finally peace. We had to wake up a couple of them to go out Trick or Treating and the afternoon didn't start too well so I was a little nervous to attempt taking the foursome out.
They were so excited to put on their costumes today! The first time they tried them on they were scared to death so they have come a long way in the past week. Matthew likes to tell people he is a "big cookie" and Aubrey insists that she is a "smarsh-a-mellow".
Thankfully their mood changed as soon as we hit our first stop and they discovered that they were really getting candy. They did so good walking a couple blocks without needing a ride in the wagon. I was so proud of them saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" at every single house without prompting most times.
They finished off the night by winning 1st place for most original costume in the 0-3 year category. I attempted to get a good picture of the four of them lined up but didn't really hit the jackpot! All and all it was an amazing night and I am sure that they are going to be asking in the morning if they can do it again and they won't be happy with the answer that we can...next year!
Our first stop, the fire station
Big kids walking!
Trick or Treat!
So proud of their loot!
Trying to get a picture of the foursome
Family picture
Picking out their prize
Mommy and the Cam Man