We decided to try travelling with little air beds instead of bringing 4 pack and plays that take up so much room in the vehicle but I was nervous how they would do since they are still in cribs at home. They did great! It took them awhile to unwind but they didn't get out of bed and soon the boys were fast asleep...Aubrey had to inform us that "I the princess" when I told her it was time to go to sleep but she gave in too!
And here yet another reason why they will be remaining in cribs for awhile! We had to keep putting them back on their beds when we would get up for bathroom breaks.
What kind of hotel doesn't have Disney channel??? Thank goodness for youtube! They got to watch Oso in the morning.
Who can spend 4 hours at Chuck E Cheese and still not want to leave? That would be the Hickey Quads! We met up with some family, had pizza and played hard, they even got to dance with Chuck E and get some free tickets. If only Matthew would clean up his toys the way he cleaned up those tickets my house would be spotless!
After a little nap they were ready to go visiting. We went to see their Great-great aunt and uncle where they got totally spoiled with treats and juice boxes. It was there we also learned Matthew is allergic to bees. Thankfully we carry benadryl in the diaper bag and glove box!
Dinner at IHOP was a success. They not only ate their food but everyone else's food as well. We got a ton of complements on how well behaved they are. That is always nice to hear!
Matthew obviously had an important call.
Aubrey "the Princess"
Cameron coloring while waiting for some suppie!
Brady checking out the people next to us
Grammie taught them all how to march down the hall...let's just say they have about as much coordination as their mom and it was a funny sight!
Everyone wants to unlock the door.
Sadly the weekend came and went in a blink of an eye and it was time to load up and head home. The quaddlers thought that the rolling cart was for them and not the luggage!
Before hitting the road we made stopped for lunch at McDonald's with a play area and to visit Karla, Lori and Hunter.
Here is Cameron showing off his awesome jumping skills!
An attempt to get a group picture!