A lot of people ask us how we are able to keep up with quads and not go crazy. The answer is SCHEDULES!!! We do venture out and do things but we try to stick tight with the schedule.
6:00 am-I get up, shower, check out email and other stuff on the computer
7:00 am-babies get up for the day and have bottles
8:00 am-get dressed and go in their swings while I make bottles for the next 24 hours, start laundry, etc. They typically sleep for an hour in the swiings, just enough time for me to get stuff done.
9:00 am-two babies play on the floor with me while the other two play in the Jumperoo and excersaucer when they get bored we switch.
10:30 am-diapers, bottles and some floor time for all four before heading in their swings for a nap
11:30 am-naptime!
1:30 pm-most of the time they make it to now before waking up but if one wakes up it is a bonus so we can have some one on one time.
2:00 pm-diapers and bottles then playtime again
4:00 pm-catching a quick nap before their dinner bottle. Gives me time to throw togehter dinner and clean up a bit.
5:30 pm-diapers, bottles, time to keep themselves occupied for awhile, sometimes we resort to Sesame Street to do that job!
6:00 pm-dinner for me and Ben
6:30 pm-another quick nap for some and playtime for others depending on moods.
7:30 pm-bath time!
8:15 pm-upstairs to read some stories
8:45 pm-diapers and bottles
9:15 pm-AAAAHHHH..peace and quiet! Time for Ben and I to watch TV or go to bed!
On the days we have daycare I somehow manage to fit that into the daily schedule too. On the weekends grocery shopping and a trip to Walmart are usually figured in also. No wonder I feel so tired at the end of the day!