The babies had lots of visitors this weekend. Friday Marissa, Travis and Peyton came from Maryland and I don't think Marissa wanted to leave them! Yesterday Uncle Tom and Auntie Kate came to spend the day and got to see how much they all changed in the past week. Today they got to meet Ben's grandmother and aunts and Karla came up from Connecticut to meet them too. I wish they had their own room so more than one person could come in to see them at once.
The lactation consultant came by on Friday and spoke with us about trying to breastfeed them all before they introduce a bottle to them so we gave it a shot with the 3 boys so far and Aubrey is going to try tomorrow. This is one step closer to bringing them home!
Cameron was having a hard time digesting his formula so they moved him onto all breast milk to see if that helped and it did so hopefully he will start gaining some weight this week. He looks like a little runt next to his brothers!
Matthew is already learning how to work his mommy. If he can see me and I am not paying attention to him he will cry and as soon as I open his little port holes and talk to him and hold his hand he is magically fine. Today every time I would start to move he would grip my finger harder.
Brady is still the big sleeper of the crew. That kid is interested in nothing but eating and sleeping! If you are cuddling with him while he is eating he is out before he finishes his feed. He hasn't gained from his birth weight but his cheeks are getting chubby!
Aubrey is definitely Daddy's girl. She hears his voice and tries so hard to wake up and get both eyes open. She finally gave me some eye contact today while I was holding her she usually saves that for Ben. She is getting the highest calorie feedings of them all so hopefully it will plump her up some, she is soooo tiny!
Ben had to leave this afternoon to go home and get his chemo treatment. Only 3 to go! It was so hard for him to say good bye to the babies and get in the car to go home. I can't imagine how he much he will miss them while he is gone, I am sure that all of us will be missing him just as much!
Here are just a few pictures that I love!
Matthew is thinking "Mom, STOP taking my picture!"

Aubrey sleeping like a princess!